Re: [g-a-devel] at-spi2 and a11ytesting core dump

On Fri, 6 Apr 2012, Patrick Welche wrote:

Thanks for the responses Nagappan and Mike.

Being one of those old traditional coders, I am not using a "distro"
(hence my list of versions from tar files).

I'm using pygobject 3.0.4, python 2.6. AFAICT I can't attempt to use a
newer one because I only have glib 2.30.3, and upgrading glib is non-trivial.

Can you think of anything special about the "object:children-changed:add"
event? Or anywhere in the mound of dependencies which uses semaphores?
(Those sem_wait messages for ldtp surprise me...)

Sorry for not replying sooner--a while ago I tried to set up mago, ran into trouble, and then must have started working on something else and forgot about your crash.

When I run that test, I get a lot of output--I've placed the log at for now. I don't think I'm getting a crash, although it's possible that I am and there's a message about it buried somewhere in the 700 odd lines of output.

What versions of gobject-introspection and libffi are you using?

I'm wondering if it's the same issue as bug 673569 / if a dependency needs to be upped somewhere (I can't reproduce that crash, either, and in both cases it appears to be crashing in a callback created by pygobject, or at least I'm guessing that that is the case for the accerciser crash as well, since I can't step into the function being called using gdb). I'm using python 2.7.1, libffi 4.6.2, pygobject 3.0.4, and gobject-introspection 1.31.10, for what it's worth.


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