[g-a-devel] AccessibleDeviceEventMask and SPI_registerDeviceEventListener()

I have this call in my app:
    SPI_registerDeviceEventListener(mouse_device_listener, BUTTON_EVENTS, 0);
My read of the documentation, http://library.gnome.org/devel/at-spi-cspi/stable/at-spi-cspi-Registry-queries.html#SPI-registerDeviceEventListener, is that my listener should receive all button_press and button_release events.  Most runs of my application never receive any button_release events.  Sometimes the app receives 1 button_release.  I have no log at this time that shows more than 1 button_release.
On the other hand, I believe I am receiving the correct amount of button_pressed events.
Are there any known bugs in this area?

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