Re: [g-a-devel] registering/deregistering event listeners

2008/12/12 Quiring, Sam <Sam Quiring windriver com>:
>     1. register the event handlers
>     2. wait for the user to do his thing
>     3. deregister the event handlers
> After a few executions of this function (3..6), it dies during step 1:
> registering the event handlers.  In fact the entire GNOME desktop locks up
> and I'm forced to power cycle the machine to get control back.  (Is there an
> easier/cleaner way to restart GNOME?).

Are you deregistering in the event handler?

I found that it best to do absolute minimum in the handers and call
very few functions. In the end I just put events in my own queue and
dequeue in idle processing - in other words make processing asynch.

I don't know what the official position is.

Steve Lee

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