Re: [g-a-devel] Strange crashes with pyatspi

Hi Li,

Er, oops! Sorry, I'd forgotten those were likely the same thing.

I'd say blame it on lack of coffee, but I'd already had some at the time...


Li Yuan wrote:
Hi Zack,

Yes, I have. I replied your mail on Aug 23rd, hope you can find the mail
in your inbox. I think it is . We can discuss this
issue on the bug.


在 2007-10-15一的 15:14 -0400,Zack Cerza写道:
Zack Cerza wrote:
Hi Li,

Li Yuan wrote:
Hi Zack,

Zack Cerza wrote:
Hi all,

So I've been working on a port[0] of dogtail to pyatspi whenever I've been able to for the last few months, and I'm having one major problem: Sometimes the entire session just crashes. That's right, the whole session. :(

I've spent a lot of time trying to debug this to no avail. The furthest I've gotten is that sometimes at-spi-registryd gets a SIGABRT, and exits. The next time dogtail (or even accerciser) starts after this, the session goes *BOOM*. Even toggling /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility to 'false', and then to 'true' after at-spi-registryd dies will trigger this.

The most reliable way I've found to reproduce the problem is:

1 Run accerciser.
2 Run sniff (from dogtail).
3 Here, one of them might hang.
4 Close both (^C or kill if necessary).
5 Here, at-spi-registryd dies.
Do you have a trace for this crash?

Heh, so I spent some time trying to reproduce the crash, and eventually gave up for a while, leaving gdb attached to at-spi-registryd. I resumed porting dogtail, and after a couple hours I got one :)

Attached. Thanks for taking a look.

Has anyone found anything useful in this crash, or maybe even seen the crash themselves?


6 Run sniff or accerciser.
7 Here, the session goes down, and you get GDM back.

I don't know much else about what's causing this, but it's definitely a blocker for ditching the mess that is pyspi (even though pyspi is very broken in F7). Any help I could get would be greatly appreciated.



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