Re: [g-a-devel] How to imlement ARIA's owns and hasparent in ATK (which relations)

I will push the same solution for IA2 that we get for ATK.

But we really need Bill Haneman's opinion.

- Aaron

David Bolter wrote:
Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the explanation of "owns". Sounds like we agree on child of. Perhaps we should add the inverse relation to the atk/at-spi.

What will the IA2 mapping be?


Aaron Leventhal wrote:
ARIA owns is for things where there are children, but they are not contained by the parent.
This is necessary to separate 2 types of parent concept:
1. Parent as a container with children inside (like a groupbox or a document) -- this is the normal use of parent in an accessible object hierarchy 2. Parent as something which logically groups external items, as in a parent tree item, a menu item with a submenu, a button with a popup, or a diagram object with children, such as in an organizational chart. This is the concept of ARIA owns.

I'm not sure that ARIA really differentiates between the popup and non-popup case of owns. Owns doesn't care if the owned items are currently visible.

Child of sounds right, but then the inverse relation isn't there.

- Aaron

David Bolter wrote:
Aaron Leventhal wrote:
We need to support the owns=[idrefs] relation, as well as hasparent=[idref]. They are basically the same, but owns allows you do create the definition on the owner vs. hasparent on what's owned. Owns can have more than 1 item, hasparent can contain only 1 ID. It's probable that hasparent will be removed before ARIA becomes final.

Which ever is used, the user agent can expose both sides of the relationship via AT-SPI and IA2.

We need to figure out which AT-SPI relations we should use for each. Here are the possibilities:


Definitions of owns and haspopup here:
I don't have a login for this. But I did find this definition of the owns relation: 'The owns property defines an object as a parent of another document element, however the child does not appear directly in the subtree of the owner."

This definition makes is sound like an ancestor-of kind of relation but I'd like clarity here. Is there an implied containment? Or an implied "within subtree" (if you know what I mean)?

Here is my attempt at a deductive approach based on this interpretation of "owns" and having re-read the at-spi docs (and after a couple of glasses of wine):

  * I don't understand the at-spi defintion of this relation clearly.
 * possibly
* possibly but i don't like that it has "window" in the name... could be confusing
 * cross process definition doesn't fit.
 * ditto
* popup is a subtype of "owns" correct? if so this doesn't seem to capture all of "owns"
 * ditto comment to subwindow_of relation

So I'd lean towards child_of but there is no reciprocal parent_of?


Let's hear from the guru... Bill?


Definitions of AT-SPI relations here:


- Aaron
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