Re: [g-a-devel] Gnome accessibility projects list


Dorado Martínez, Francisco Javier, le Thu 26 Oct 2006 14:03:32 +0200, a écrit :
> In the users' needs another requirement I think should be to give support to braille embosers (braille printing support) into desktop

Actually, it should mostly find its way to cups, since that's _the_ Unix
printing service.  The idea would be to just have to call

lp foo.brf

or even

lp foo.txt

and they are printed :)

> and to add braille transcription into OpenOffice.

This is quite another issue.  I can see two points here:

- "ink" braille: (OOo) just needs a braille font for
0x28xy unicode values (the braille glyphs), and then it will be able
to print braille patterns.  Of course, this is not what you want, but
that's probably what OOo people think about first.  Remember, they
probably don't even know what an embosser is.  Anyway, this is still
easy and might be useful :)
- embossed braille: here, OOo would have to send raw text or braille
to the embosser.  The easiest way would of course be to use File->Save
As and choose the .txt format, which one can then submit to lp.  Now,
what you are probably talking about is an embedded braille transcription
module into OOo.  This should be feasible, by using gnome-braille or
liblouis for instance.  This would need a bunch of communication between
braille people and OOo people, for determining how well this can be
included in OOo: from an odt document, produce a braille-ready format,
_be able to read it_, and then submit it to cups, which knows how
embossers work.

In short, I can see several steps:
- have cups work with embossers.
- have OOo people include a braille font in standard
- integrate a braille transcription module.


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