Re: [g-a-devel] Gnome accessibility projects list

Yes, Braille is close to my heart. I'll add it, but you should know the document is on a Wiki, so you can make edits as you see fit.

- Aaron

Dorado Martínez wrote:
Hi to all

In the users' needs another requirement I think should be to give support to braille embosers (braille printing support) into desktop and to add braille transcription into OpenOffice.

Here at ONCE We are working on that currently. We are supporting braille printers like Impacto, Porta-thiel, BetaX3 and Vax It needs ore work and testing. Also We are researching and developing braille transcription integrated into OpenOffice.Org.

Would be possible to add this to the project list?




-----Mensaje original-----
De: gnome-accessibility-devel-bounces gnome org [mailto:gnome-accessibility-devel-bounces gnome org] En nombre de Aaron Leventhal
Enviado el: jueves, 26 de octubre de 2006 0:25
Para: g-a-devel
Asunto: [g-a-devel] Gnome accessibility projects list

Here's a list that's roughly based on what we discussed on the Gnome accessibility summit (thanks to Peter Korn for putting this up):

Can we get a volunteer to massage this document? We need to organize it into something a new developer can come into and know a little about each project. Each project needs a reasonable description (3-6 sentences), point to related projects, etc. Developers will find this list and ask for more info, so the document should direct them here. Or, people in this community will run across talented individuals/students and point them to these projects.

We might even be able to get small grant funding for a few of these. For that, we'll need the idea written up as a small proposal (about 2 pages). The group can help get the proposals polished and put in front of potential funders.

In any case, getting this document polished with crisp project ideas is the next step. Can someone volunteer to do a round of work on it?

- Aaron
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