Re: [g-a-devel]Source of mouse:button events

Bonjour !
Le Jeudi 25 Septembre 2003 20:06, Bill Haneman a écrit :
> Hi Bernard:
> Some events, for instance key events and 'device' events such as
> mouse:, are application-independant.  The event notification is
> intended to inform you of the state of the device, not of an
> application. Applications are responsible for relaying any
> subsequent state changes.
> Different application toolkits and even different applications
> treat such events differently, which is one reason why it is not
> feasible to report the direct relationship between a device event
> and a widget in a toolkit-independent way.

Thanks for the explaination, but I do not really understand how a 
toolkit would not connect events to widgets.

> What is it that you are trying to monitor?

I'd like to know which widgets are "receiving" the mouse:button 
For keystrokes, it's mostly the focused widget, but when the user is 
hoovering over menus, I don't know if he clicked on the last focused 
one or not.
Well, I guess I can look for mouse mouvement between the last focus: 
and the mouse:button. Is ther another way than computing the area of 
the focused menu and checking if the mouse is in ?
The trouble is that for menu item, the relevant widget is the last 
focused one, while for push button, it's the next focused one :-(

I just tought it would have been easier if the widget told me it was 
clicked on. Maybe I should investigate toolkit-specifics events a la 
Gtk:GtkWidget:button_press_event. I was reluctant to differenciate 
according to the toolkit, but I think I will have to anyway because 
of my charsets problems.

Do you know where I could find informations about toolkit-specific 
event types (especially for, are they from java accessibility 
API ?) ?

Thank you for your kind help,


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