[g-a-devel]some comments about at-poke


I am trying to use "at-poke" to test netscape accessibility. It looks nice, but there are some unconvenient: 1. at-poke refresh the tree too frequently. Even the mouse move can triger that. 2. using a hight rectangle to mark the visible widget will be a good enhancement: for example, when I click on a node of the tree-view in at-poke, a highlight rectangle appears on the related visbile widget of sever application. 3. It will be good, when focus change in the sever appliation, at-poke has some way to mark that. 4. at-poke can not reflect the change in sever application (such as windows popup, go away) without a direct refresh.

I know that, at-poke is still under development now. So maybe you have plan these and many other features. I just want to
show you my conerns.   Thanks for providing such a nice tesing tool anyway.

Bolian Yin

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