Re: [gnet] --enable-glib2

On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 16:21, David Helder wrote:
> My understanding is that pkgconfig has only been used since last summer,
> so most GLib 1.2 installations wouldn't necessarily have it.  Is there a
> solution that would work with both non-pkgconfig and pkgconfig?  We could
> include the old glib.m4.

I don't see a problem saying "You need pkgconfig", most people should
have it, if they have gnome stuff, IIRC it's been included in Redhat
since 7.0

The other non pkgconfig solution is to copy the AM_PATH_GLIB macro into
the file, change it's name and use that instead. But
requiring glib1 and glib2 to use --enable-glib2 is not a good solution.

but tv says "surface irony" is funny...don't you watch saturday night
live, man?

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