Re: [gmime-devel] GMime 2.5.1 released, need help with S/MIME implementation

Hi Jeffrey,

>>>>> "JS" == Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj novell com> writes:

    JS> Hi all,
    JS> I've just released 2.5.1 which is mostly just 2.5.0 with all the bug
    JS> fixes that have gone in since 2.4.6 (which was released around the same
    JS> time as 2.5.0) along with various build fixes for Visual Studio (for
    JS> those of you who are on Windows).

Ah, great stuff, thanks.

    JS> I've basically hit a brick wall as far as S/MIME support goes because I
    JS> don't know how to create S/MIME certificates to use for
    JS> signing/encryption (and it seems that Thawte no longer provides this
    JS> service for free). I also don't have access to any S/MIME messages.

Did you try CACert:

Best wishes,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland
e:djcb djcbsoftware nl 
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