Re: Buttons to navigate forms

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On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 18:44 +0100, Frederik Vande Rieviere wrote:
I'd also like the idea to see the navigational functionality thats standard at the bottom of the screen, to 
be be available in any button.

Could you give me an example of when this would be useful, just so I
know that it would be meeting a real need? Could you give examples for
the other things too, please.

 Also new/delete and maybe have more like duplicate.

 That would allow you to place those buttons anywhere you like, instead of having them fixed in one place.

I wouldn't want to move the standard navigation buttons though.

Those would be very useful. If not possible already : i'd like a
functionality where you can set the editable status of a field, so you
could have a non-editable field with an "Edit" button next to it,
which renders the field in an edible state when clicked. Very handy
for a kind of "first off" protection for certain critical fields you
don't want to have edited unless absolutely certain.

Whether a field is editable is normally controlled by the users'
privileges in the Users/Group window. Couldn't we generalize this into
some generic "Warn the user before allowing them to change this field's
data" checkbox?

That would render the "button" of the edit feature into the entire field,

I'm not sure what you mean, but there's nothing to stop this feature
being implemented as a button next to the field, just like date fields
automatically have calendar buttons next to them.

However, I wonder if this would be best as just a confirmation dialog
when you enter the field for editing.

I'd also like a real world example so I can think about this more.

 rather than a small button next to it. I was looking to use such functionality for a quite large field, so 
behavior like this would be quite annoying for my application. Might be a good idea for other purposes, 

Instead, what about adding a flag to a field, something like "standard not editable" (but better worded), 
and when a user is allowed to edit the field, render an "edit" button next to it, so he can click it and 
modify the content?

Right, that's what I meant above.

I'd also like fields with scroll bars for bigger text blocks.

Good idea. That should be easy. I'll try.

Other field items you might consider : radiobuttons and checkboxes. 

Boolean fields are already presented as checkboxes.

For radiobuttons, that could be an extra formatting option for the
existing Choices option. At the moment, it just uses a drop-down list,
and can force the user to choose one of the items from the list.

For multiple-choice checkboxes in one field, I can't imagine what result
this should have in the actual field value. For instance, if I click
"foo" and "goo" in a text field, what is the text value of that field. I
guess that separate fields make more sense.

Yes, the drag-and-drop layout is still not mature.

What I do like about it is that its scales with the window, its better that way than having a good fixed 
editor that doesn't scale (like with older filemaker pro apps)

Newer Filemaker Pro versions have an interesting idea with anchor points, which both work horizontally and 

I'd also like the ability to disable the list tab, and to rename or the details tab or to disable tabs 
altogether. Or even better, allow them to be used as layout modes, instead of having them fixed within the 

Again, I'd like some real world example. 

murrayc murrayc com

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