Re: Questions on Unique and Auto-increment

On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 10:00 -0700, Earl Melton wrote:
Murray, you said:

Please try this with our packages of the stable (even numbers)
of Glom: 
but I'm so pathetic that I'm totally lost. I'm using v1.13.2 Is that
an even-numbered version since it ends with a 2? Or should the 13 be a
14 or 16 or some such even number?

Sorry. Glom 1.13.x is an unstable version. Glom 1.14. x is a stable

 I promise, I'm not trying to be cute or sarcastic here, I am
honestly, 100% puzzled by everything and just seem to be going in
circles when I really need to get to work. Would somebody please type
the exact version number that I need and a link where I can download
it? I should probably add that I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

I go to the link above and look under the first selection which is
Ubuntu. If I then click on Ubuntu Linux, it wants me to download
Ubuntu. I already have this so I went back. I then click on the second
link on that line which takes me to
That page says it's an untrusted PPA. Of course,
Yes, it does say that under "Adding this PPA to your system". That's
unnecessarily obscure, I agree. I'll ask Ubuntu to improve it.

However, you may choose to trust me. Or not.

I don't know what PPA is,
A good point. I will ask Ubuntu to make that less obscure.

 but I know I don't need anything that's untrusted. Or does that mean
that [my PC] just doesn't trust it and I'm going to create a bond of
trust there by adding ppa:openismus-team/ppa to my System Resources?
Yes, you will be deciding to trust us. This is not unlike when you
choose to trust some Windows software that you find on the internet and
install via an .exe.

 I [think] I can follow the directions if that's what's needed, but
may be begging again.

Murray Cumming
Murray Cumming

Are these maybe the file/s I'm supposed to download?
Please follow the instructions on that page, under the "Adding this PPA
to your system" text that you already found. You should not download any
file directly.

 If so, I can't find a button anywhere labeled 'Download'. And what
the heck is Oubuntu?
It's just a part of the version number.

 Are those the templates/examples I'm so desperately trying to find?
No, these are replacement Glom packages.

HOWEVER, I suggest that you wait until around Wednesday for me to
improve something. There is a small problem with these packges that I
guess that you will experience. And I don't think you will be able to
manage the workaround for that.

murrayc murrayc com

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