Re: application for counselling clinic

"Murray" == Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> writes:

Murray> It depends what that means. Glom is not a backend. Glom is a
Murray> frontend, and a way to design the frontend and backend structure
Murray> together.

Well, what I'm thinking about is designing database-part of (Haskell)
application with Glom and using it for all the database stuff, while the
'main' application would perform other calculations, drawing etc.

On Bond ml, I got info that it would be possible to communicate with
Bond 'application' via NOTIFY, but there is also question of passing
data between the 'main' application and Glom (or Bond)?

Is there any mechanism in Glom to communicate with external apps?

The alternative is, of course, to write everything in Haskell and just
using one of the available PostgreSQL bindings...



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