Re: bugs and questions

On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 23:13 +0100, TEK-en wrote:
1. If I want to run Glom in english is it just to un-install and then 
re-install and choose english or is there another way?

You should be able to log out of GNOME and select a different
locale/language from the options menu on the log-in screen.

You can also start Glom from the command line after doing something
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
But logging out and in is less error-prone.

2. I add a button to the layout and I name it as I want.
I don't know any Pyhton. 
I want this button to take the URL of a field and open it in Firefox.
Is there anywhere you have collected common pyhton functions that one can add 
or does any one know how to write it?

I think you can use the pygtk wrapper for gnome_url_show() or

Googling found me this example:

But you'll need to find out what you need to have installed to use that

Do feel free to start a page on the wiki for this kind of

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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