Re: newbie question: howto start using glom ?

On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 22:19 -0400, nwm csur ca wrote:

Sorry for the silly question, but I have installed Glom on my
computer running Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and I sort of can't
get it running.

Note that there is already a PostgreSQL 8.2 server running on
this computer (for Quasar, an accounting package).

I start Glom by clicking on the Applications Menu,
selecting Office, then selecting Glom.
Glom then proposes "Open existing document, or create new document?".
I click on "New From Example".
Glom shows an "Open Document" window with a choice of 4 examples.
I click on "example_smallbusiness.glom", then on "Open".
Glom shows a "Creating From Example File" window showing my root directory.
I double-click on the "Coop-CSUR" directory.
Glom shows a "Creating From Example File" window showing the "Coop-CSUR"
directory which is empty.
I write "Test" in the "Name" field, I leave "Small Business Example"
in the "Title" field, I leave the "Create database in its own folder,
to be hosted by this computer" selection selected,
then I click on "Save".
Glom shows a "First User" window.
I type-in my Linux user name in the "User" field,
and my Linux password in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields,
then I click 'Create".

Note that this does not need to be an existing password. It's a new
username and password. But that's not the source of your problem.

Also you don't need to create any postgres user for your main postgres
process. Glom creates its own postgres process, but seems to be failing
to connect to that process.

Glom shows an "Open failed" alarm with "The document could not be opened".
I click on the "OK" button.

So this is where it goes wrong. I've seen this happen once before, but I
can't reproduce it here now. Could you please file a bug, with the log
details that you found below. Maybe we can investigate it further.

But unfortunately for now I don't have a solution to this problem for

You might try creating from an example, but using the server instead of
the "in-a-folder" option. For that you will need to setup postgres
appropriately on your PC:

And then the <insert appropriate derogative here> whole Glom window
closes without leaving me any indication of what went wrong.
So I look into the "Coop-CSUR" directory,
where I find a "Test" directory.
In the "Test" directory I find a "Test.glom" file
plus a "glom_postgres_data" directory containing 2 directories:
"config" and "data".
The "data" directory is empty, the "config" directory contains 2 files:
"pg_hba.conf" and "pg_ident.conf".
The "pg_ident.conf" file is empty, the "pg_hba.conf" file is not.

--- start of contents of "pg_hba.conf" ---
local   all         postgres                          ident sameuser


# local is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all         all                               ident sameuser
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all         all          md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all         all         ::1/128               md5
--- end of contents ---

So I go and have a look into the log at "/var/log/postgresql" and I find
4 copies of this line at the tail of the "postgresql-8.2-main.log" file:

2007-10-15 21:37:59 EDT FATAL:
    password authentication failed for user "blablabla"

where "blablabla" stands for my Linux user name.

Well, this is funny, as I have used that very same user name with the
very same password to log onto my computer, so I think the problem is
with PostgreSQL that doesn't recognize my user name, my password or both.

The problem is that I haven't created any user nor any database in
PostgreSQL and I don't know how to go about doing just that for glom.
There are a few users created in PostgreSQL for and by the Quasar
database and they work splendidly (there is a nice function to create
users for Quasar in Quasar and I used it), but that's it.

To go back to my problem of not beeing able to start glom,
here is what happens when I click on "Open" in the window
"Open existing document, or create new document" at the start
of glom:

Glom shows an "Open Document" window showing my root directory.
I double-click on the "Coop-CSUR" directory.
Glom shows an "Open Document" window showing the "Coop_CSUR" directory.
I double-click on the "Test" directory.
Glom shows an "Open Document" window showing the "Test" directory with
a "Test.glom" file and a "glom_postgres_data" directory.
I select the "Test.glom" file, then I click on "Open".
Glom opens a "Processing" window showing "Starting Database Server"
and a waiting animation (orange patch moving left then right) that
keeps waiting forever...
A quick "ps fax" command shows a pair of glom processes:

11806 ?        S      0:04 glom
11960 ?        R      0:05 glom

Also the "postgresql" server that was running before is still there:

 4115 ?        S      0:09 /usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin/postgres
               -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main -c
 4118 ?        Ss     0:01  \_ postgres: writer process
 4119 ?        Ss     0:27  \_ postgres: stats collector process

A quick scan of the output of "lsof | grep glom -" doesn't produce
any useful insight, nor does a quick scan of the logs...

So, as I said earlier, I sort of can't get glom running.
Any help at all would be much appreciated...

murrayc murrayc com

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