newbie question: howto start using glom ?


Sorry for the silly question, but I have installed Glom on my
computer running Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and I sort of can't
get it running.

Note that there is already a PostgreSQL 8.2 server running on
this computer (for Quasar, an accounting package).

I start Glom by clicking on the Applications Menu,
selecting Office, then selecting Glom.
Glom then proposes "Open existing document, or create new document?".
I click on "New From Example".
Glom shows an "Open Document" window with a choice of 4 examples.
I click on "example_smallbusiness.glom", then on "Open".
Glom shows a "Creating From Example File" window showing my root directory.
I double-click on the "Coop-CSUR" directory.
Glom shows a "Creating From Example File" window showing the "Coop-CSUR"
directory which is empty.
I write "Test" in the "Name" field, I leave "Small Business Example"
in the "Title" field, I leave the "Create database in its own folder,
to be hosted by this computer" selection selected,
then I click on "Save".
Glom shows a "First User" window.
I type-in my Linux user name in the "User" field,
and my Linux password in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields,
then I click 'Create".
Glom shows an "Open failed" alarm with "The document could not be opened".
I click on the "OK" button.
And then the <insert appropriate derogative here> whole Glom window
closes without leaving me any indication of what went wrong.
So I look into the "Coop-CSUR" directory,
where I find a "Test" directory.
In the "Test" directory I find a "Test.glom" file
plus a "glom_postgres_data" directory containing 2 directories:
"config" and "data".
The "data" directory is empty, the "config" directory contains 2 files:
"pg_hba.conf" and "pg_ident.conf".
The "pg_ident.conf" file is empty, the "pg_hba.conf" file is not.

--- start of contents of "pg_hba.conf" ---
local   all         postgres                          ident sameuser


# local is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all         all                               ident sameuser
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all         all          md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all         all         ::1/128               md5
--- end of contents ---

So I go and have a look into the log at "/var/log/postgresql" and I find
4 copies of this line at the tail of the "postgresql-8.2-main.log" file:

2007-10-15 21:37:59 EDT FATAL:
    password authentication failed for user "blablabla"

where "blablabla" stands for my Linux user name.

Well, this is funny, as I have used that very same user name with the
very same password to log onto my computer, so I think the problem is
with PostgreSQL that doesn't recognize my user name, my password or both.

The problem is that I haven't created any user nor any database in
PostgreSQL and I don't know how to go about doing just that for glom.
There are a few users created in PostgreSQL for and by the Quasar
database and they work splendidly (there is a nice function to create
users for Quasar in Quasar and I used it), but that's it.

To go back to my problem of not beeing able to start glom,
here is what happens when I click on "Open" in the window
"Open existing document, or create new document" at the start
of glom:

Glom shows an "Open Document" window showing my root directory.
I double-click on the "Coop-CSUR" directory.
Glom shows an "Open Document" window showing the "Coop_CSUR" directory.
I double-click on the "Test" directory.
Glom shows an "Open Document" window showing the "Test" directory with
a "Test.glom" file and a "glom_postgres_data" directory.
I select the "Test.glom" file, then I click on "Open".
Glom opens a "Processing" window showing "Starting Database Server"
and a waiting animation (orange patch moving left then right) that
keeps waiting forever...
A quick "ps fax" command shows a pair of glom processes:

11806 ?        S      0:04 glom
11960 ?        R      0:05 glom

Also the "postgresql" server that was running before is still there:

 4115 ?        S      0:09 /usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin/postgres
               -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main -c
 4118 ?        Ss     0:01  \_ postgres: writer process
 4119 ?        Ss     0:27  \_ postgres: stats collector process

A quick scan of the output of "lsof | grep glom -" doesn't produce
any useful insight, nor does a quick scan of the logs...

So, as I said earlier, I sort of can't get glom running.
Any help at all would be much appreciated...

Thanks a lot!

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