[Glade-users] Accessing elements on a dialog


I built a dialog, that contains a GtkFileChooserButton (I'm working with
python). I'm trying to access to it's contents, but I really don't know how.
Im trying something like that:

def on_btn_apply_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
        filechooser = self.quick_game.file_chooser_team_a

But the response is:

AttributeError: 'gtk.Dialog' object has no attribute 'file_chooser_es_a'

I guess that there is some other way to access elements on a dialog, window
or whatever, but I really can't find it.


Pablo Recio Quijano

Estudiante de Ingenier?a Inform?tica (UCA)
Becario en Alquimia Proyectos Digitales
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