[Glade-users] getting the tree of widgets?

Is there any way to walk the tree of widgets from a loaded XML definition (or
enumerate through it?)

If it worked like g_hash_table_foreach(table,foreach_func, user_data), which

void foreach_func(GtkWidget widget, gchar * widget_name, gpointer user_data)

i.e. glade_tree_foreach(xml,(GFunction glade_foreach_func,gpointer user_data)

void glade_foreach_func(GtkWidget *widget ghcar * widget_name,gpointer data)

This would allow a user to walk the list of widgets in the loaded XML file and
set object data (g_object_set_data) on the widgets (using a stringmatch of the
widgetname to ANOTHER configfile storing the values to be bound to the widget).
 This has to be done this way because of glade's unimplemented ability to bind
arbritrary data to widgets g_object_[set,get]_data() in the glade gui and XML.


Dave J. Andruczyk

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