[Glade-users] [Fwd: How to write text in a window ?

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Hello, I'm creating an application using Glade that shows 1 message box
when something occurs, this message can be changed, with Glade I made
this window, but your code is placed in interface.c
(create_window_message()), that must be not changed (as Glade says), now
I will attempt to obey that Glade says, I put the widget label in this
window and I want to manipulate this widget to change the phrase, but I
don't know how to make this without change the interface.c file, there
some way to create this window in Glade warnig that I will pass some
data ???

Thanks for any help

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Hello, I'm creating an application using Glade that shows 1 message box
when something occurs, this message can be changed, with Glade I made
this window, but your code is placed in interface.c
(create_window_message()), that must be not changed (as Glade says), now
I will attempt to obey that Glade says, I put the widget label in this
window and I want to manipulate this widget to change the phrase, but I
don't know how to make this without change the interface.c file, there
some way to create this window in Glade warnig that I will pass some
data ???

Thanks for any help


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