[Glade-devel] Octave GUI Editor Based on Glade

Im trying to make a Octave GUI Editor Based on Glade,
version 2.0.

I have been succesful in extending GLADE, GTK GUI
Builder for use with Octave so that we could have a
GUI-IDE like the ones available for NON-FREE

RIght now this GLADE editor can allow you to create a
new UI, with the base as a GtkFixed widget, so that
user need not bother about packing/box layouts etc.
The output is saved as a .glade file.

Now we are planning to extend this .glade file to
generate the octave sources, with help of libXML etc.
But we need to have the octave GUI 
API ready before that. Well thats another thing we are
working on ...

I would like to know if version 2.6 and other versions
will be compatible with the current glade stuff?

More news soon.

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