[Glade-devel] Why libxml2 and not GMarkupParser?

On 14/01/04 01:26, Damon Chaplin wrote:

Another thing to remember is that GTK+ might like to include libglade at

some point, and they may not want to depend on libxml. So this patch may
be useful at that point. (Unless they already depend on libxml - I'm not

If libglade-style functionality was going to be put into GTK, I think it 
would be simplified a lot.  For a start, the bulk of libglade is code 
that patches over the fact that some widgets don't export everything 
needed as properties.  If libglade were to be integrated, it would 
probably be better to fix the widgets ...

Given the comments so far, it probably makes sense to limit glade files 
to the GMarkup subset.  Is there anyone else we should consult about it 


Email: james daa com au
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