[Glade-devel] [glade3, patch] load library module before calling *_get_type ()


Archit wrote:

btw, another thing is, rather than create a libgladefoo for 
customisations which can't be done in the lib's catalog .xml 
file, it would be nice, if in the case it was the original 
lib's fault, submit patches to them to behave nicely.

Point being libglade<foo> should only be used in extreme cases. 

"Extreme" is a bit too... Extreme :-)

I hope the majority of simple, external widgets will not need it, but it
accounts more for differences between the "design" mode and the "real" mode
of the widgets than for bugs in the external widgets.

The only thing that I can think of that is a library bug if the bad default
values (or bad range of values, etc) case.


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