Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp functioning problems on Tablet and Android

Am 06.08.22 um 00:27 schrieb Michael Schumacher via gimp-user-list:

You should contact the developers of the app - the app store should
provide some contact information - and ask them to provide support to
you. I assume the fact that you paid a fee for the app entitles you to

Some additional information fFor others who want to reply via the list:
after some back-and-forth in private mail, we figured out that this is
about the UserLand GIMP app:

Their approach is the "Linux virtual machine with GIMP inside", with
known drawbacks as in "desktop application running unmodified on a
touch-based system".

UserLand should, however, be able to help the OP with support requests,
as they also made that virtual machine.




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