Re: [Gimp-user] Debian 11, updated, Gimp 2.10.22 - bad clone tool

I'm not sure why, but you get a message "select source image first."


On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 1:26 PM Dedeco Balaco via gimp-user-list <
gimp-user-list gnome org> wrote:

Em 16/10/2021 21:14, Liam R E Quin escreveu:
On Sat, 2021-10-16 at 20:45 -0300, Dedeco Balaco via gimp-user-list
What happened to gimp "clone" tool?? It stopped working for me.
Most likely is that you have a selection - almost all operations in
GIMP happen inside the selection, to give control. So, try, edit/select
none, maybe?

This is surely not the case. There is not selection there. The
yellow+black image border that we see in the video, means it is not

Anyway, i tried to select all the image (ctrl+a) and repeating the
cloning steps i described. Nothing. Selecting "none" again
(ctrl+shift+a) and repeating again... nothing either.

If possible, I want to install a previous version of Gimp,
of the current one: separate settings, all needed files, so i can run
both at the same time, without any conflict. Yes, it can be from
If you're going to do that, install the most recent instead!

Can you, or anyone here, help me here? I tried to find clear steps for
that, and did not find. Something like:

1. download and extract source anywhere

2. run './configure' with arguments [?AAA?], [?BBB?], [?CCC?], [?DDD?]
to change install dir, user configuration dir (and possibly other things
i do not imagine).

3. run 'make'

4. 'make install'

5. Done!

Smaller, but if possible, really great: if it can have a different
shortcut installed with step 4, perfect. Else, just making it not
breaking the current Debian one, and i check which is the new binary,
and manually create a shortcut for it - this is known and easy.

Thank you

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