Re: [Gimp-user] Problem

In Gimp you can select the pixels areas that are subject to editing
(painting, but also geometry transform). This is done using a selection
mask (often called "the selection") that covers the whole image. Your
editing is constrained by two things: it applies to the "active/current"
layer, and within that layer, to the pixels covered by the selection
mask. So there should be some overlap between the layer and the
selection mask for something to happen.

In your case, you likely have some tiny selection somewhere that falls
outside your active layer. You can remove it using "Select>None". When
there is no selection, the transform tools apply to the whole of the
active layer.

On 03/02/2021 14:31, Antonio Zoder via gimp-user-list wrote:

I have the problem that when I want to use the transform tool that I get the message The selection does not 
intersect with the layer.
What does that mean? How can I solve this problem?

Best regards,

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