Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP-2.10 and GIMP2.99 are still sRGB-only image editors

On 2/4/21 8:31 PM, Gloria Lassich via gimp-user-list wrote:
Is GIMP no longer being actively improved on, then? Is it worth it to use
GIMP at this point? In other words, are most of the developers no longer
paying attention to feature requests users need/want? Sorry if I sound
dramatic, that’s not my intent. 🤣 --

Yes GIMP is being actively developed. Yes GIMP needs more developers. The current main goal is getting GIMP converted to GTK3. Supposedly at some point in the future fixing color management will be a priority.

I'm not sure what a good way to respond to feature requests that users need/want actually is. I think maybe Krita devs have a handle on the problem but I don't know for sure. The problem is that everyone has "an interest" that they think should be "the most important feature".

I'm not sure that currently there is enough teamwork and planning for GIMP as a whole, with respect to needs of users. I think there might be a bit too much "What developer A wants and what developer B wants".

Personally I've run out of time and interest to devote to GIMP color management. It's a lot closer to being truly useful than it used to be. It's still got a long way to go.

I'm hoping some new developers/contributors to GIMP show up who have a good knowledge of color management/color science plus the time, energy, and patience that I used to have. Even if you can't write code, if you have the ability to compile GIMP from source and test new code carefully and systematically, and report problems with color management, that is a good contribution, a necessary contribution.


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