Re: [Gimp-user] Export picture

On Sun, 2019-09-15 at 00:51 +0000, efornwalt aol com wrote:
Liam, thank you so much for your response.  I've got a single square
picture, which I've tried to crop to an oval with feathered edges.  
You can't actually crop an image to anything other than a rectangle -
all the common bitmp image formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc) only support
rectangular images.

The way you make an oval image is to add transparency and make the
"corners" transparent.

In GIMP the square part is red, the oval picture has a dotted moving
The dotted moving line is probably an active selection - it's not part
of the image.

  When I "export as" to use the picture in Print Shop 4, I do get a
PNG file but the square is black with a white oval where the picture
should be.  I don't understand what exactly transparency is used for,
but it wouldn't seem like I need it.
If you want to get an oval picture you need transparency.

So, the steps are,
(1) open the square image
(2) open the Layers dialogue (control-l, that is,lower-case L)
(3) right-click on the backgroudn layer and Add Alpha Channel
(4) use the oval/ellipse tool (you can press "e" to get it) to select
the oval shape.
(5) use select->feather to feather the edges of the oval selection
(6) invert the eslection (select->invert)
now you have the "corners" of the square selected.
(7) cut (control-x)
Now yo ushould see a checker-board in the corners
(8) file->export as PNG
DO NOT USE JPEG as it does not support transparent pixels

Hope this helps.

slave ankh (liam)

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