Re: [Gimp-user] Giving up on GIMP

Den ons 30 okt. 2019 kl 20:02 skrev Big Wib via gimp-user-list <
gimp-user-list gnome org>:


This is my last resort before giving up on gimp.

Why? because I cannot restore brushes. I click on the brush select tool
and just see blank thumbnails. I have searched online and followed all
the tips I can find in the internet to fix the problem. The two brushes
folders I should have are present and both contain files. I have
completely uninstalled and cleared all program remnants and re-installed
it - still no brushes.

I am all out of ideas now.

Well, I guess you came to the right place then. Unfortunately you didn't
provide much useful information. We still don't know anything about your
system. Gimp version, operating system and its version, anything that would
help to reproduce your problem, so feel welcome back to provide that
information and more if possible. The more the better.

I am obviously not alone with this problem

Nothing that you wrote makes that obvious. You only mentioned that you have
that problem, I saw no examples of other's having it as well. Not saying
nobody else has that problem, but you can't just say that without any kind
of reference and expect everyone to just buy it or at least agree that it's
obvious. To me it's not obvious, I only saw you, no one else, writing about

so if anyone knows how to fix
it please, please tell the world - otherwise Gimp is junk.

This is not a mailing list that tries to sell you and other people
anything. This is a mailing list for users who help each other. Calling
Gimp ”junk”, no matter if it's true or not, doesn't make more people to
want to help you and it won't help in any other way either. You are free to
think it's junk, but mentioning it here fills absolutely no real purpose.
About the subject ”Giving up on Gimp”, that's not a very describing title,
is it? What makes you think that people who can actually help you will even
open such a message in the first place? The subject ”opening this is a
waste of time” would have an equal attraction, I'd guess.

That said, welcome back with more information. Maybe someone can help you.
I tried to reproduce your problem, but I couldn't. Seems like the brushes
works fine on my system.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg


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