[Gimp-user] Best method to work with batch of images

Hi everyone, I'm very new to GIMP and photo editing.

For a project that I'm working on, I need to rotate a batch of images (50k+),
the good news is that the rotation that I need is constant and Gimp works
perfectly for that.

I tried with a single image and everything that I need is to do is to open the
.jpg, use the rotation tool with the following options: 0.2°, cubic
interpolation and crop with the original image ratio. After that with just
another crop around the image borders the process is complete.

Clearly I can't do that for 50k+ images and I need some automated way. I saw
that there is the possibility in Gimp to import external tools/scripts or to
work via console.

With the premise that I know how to use Python, what do you think is the best
way for me? Plug-ins like Bimb only rotate the images for fixed amount of ° and
I'm worried that I can't set parameters such as the interpolation. Can I do that
via scripts or the options are very basic for them too?

I tried so search on the web for suggestions but the results are old and maybe
something new is already available

korr4k (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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