[Gimp-user] Best way to blend 2 pics

The 2 example labels are exactly what I need to do. I'm amazed what
you were able to do with my PDF and the other example is really good.

I've never used a layer mask and I read the layer mask tutorial and it
all makes sense. What I'm not getting is what constitutes a large
fuzzy brush. Which tool do I use? I see all these brushes on the
bottom right, but none of them are named fuzzy brush.

 I've tried ones that I thought were it, but nothing is working like
your example. I see that when I choose a brush on the bottom right
that all the parameters show up in the left side area.  Even in your
example, I haven't been able to even come close to duplicating what
you did. I love the soft transition from clouds to face. Like she's
floating inside a cloud - perfect.

You said   a black to white circular gradient fades out the edges.
This sounds just right and I see on the bottom right where I can
choose brushes or gradients and there are so many to choose. Which one
do I choose? The ones I've tried didn't work too well.

Sorry to be such a newbie on this, but can you explain a little better
for a novice? I sure appreciate  and am in awe of your immense
knowledge and experience.

A couple of screenshots that might help.

The stock Gimp 'fuzziest' brush is Hardness 025
Sized according to image. Use the 'fuzzy' edge around the perimeter. For a more
regular effect, paint in straight lines - Click beginning - hold shift key down
- click end of line.

The thing about layer masks are they are non-destructive. Make a mistake, paint
it out. The x key swapping FG/BG makes this very easy.

When it comes to gradients, it really does depend on the image, but a shaped
gradient follows the layer edges, Use Black to transparent gradient then toggle
the reverse icon. In Gimp 2.10 the gradient can be adjusted on canvas. In the
example, I would follow up with the fuzzy brush again this time inside to boost
the opacity of the subject.

All sorts of things, best way is experiment.

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1157/original/mask01.jpg
* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1158/original/mask02.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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