Re: [Gimp-user] Layer groups seriously broken - huge resource hog

Also, I have found in graphics the more cores you can have, the better. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 19, 2018, at 11:13 AM, BWK <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

I doubt you've ever tried doing a selection rectangle to that size and getting
it exactly the right size and boundaries. It is a very slow and fiddly

Layer groups internally create a virtual layer representing their
entire composited contents to speed up overall rendering of the image
(at the topmost levels); a similar thing already occurs when you have
a project containing text layers.

Alternatively, you mentioned your process involves resizing the image
canvas as a means to 'crop' a given portion of the image out to a JPG?
If this is your only performance bottleneck then finding a way to
avoid that step should work around the issue entirely.  How about
trying these steps instead?

1- Create a rectangle selection of the desired export size (e.g.
4800x7200) at the desired location in the image

2- Edit > "Copy Visible" (copies from all rendered layers)

3- Paste as New Image

4- Export

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

BWK (via
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