[Gimp-user] new download Microscopic icons

Thank you, that has hopefully gotten me closer.  I believe I have the
files into themes at this point, but selecting either of the new files
(colors and symbols?) doesn't change the display.  I have closed and
restarted the program.  I must be missing something.  I'm rusty on the
computer, using my ipad for the last few years, but I have a new
project and a new Windows 10 laptop.  You may roll your eyes now. :-) 
Any ideas for the missing or next step?  attaching screenshot of where
I'm at...

I've tried again to re-download the color 48 file and have a copy without that
extra (2) on the folder, but still no luck.  download, save, move, select,
restart system.  Same results. No change.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/724/original/2017-10-25_(3).png

JanetGB (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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