Re: [Gimp-user] Two Suggestions I want Implemented in Future Release

I'd suggest getting an inexpensive Wacom pen tablet. Changing mouse
configurations would be contrary to most users who would be using
traditional mouse. The Wacom comes with a mouse usable on the tablet. I'm
using one now, and the pen is next to it in the event I need it for
drawing. I use both interchangeably and constantly.

*Nate Owens*
nateowens44 gmail com

On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 1:08 PM, RackAttack <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

I just made an account here, to put forth these two suggestions:

I use Gimp to "paint" - like computer art.

And I would like to see this implemented or at least have as a selectable


1.) The roll in and out feature - I'd rather just have as a "brush
feature that I could change on the fly while stroking on the canvas.  In
words, the mouse wheel roll in and out which changes the zoom, I'd rather
change the brush thickness.  So I could, in the same stroke, apply a line
roll the mouse wheel forward for it to be thicker or back to make the line
thinner.  That would be much more useful than the zoom feature (which I
use + or - for very easily already).

2.)  Some mice have either a mouse wheel that can "tilt" (click
For that feature, I'd like it to change the brush angle.  If some people
who do
not have a tilt-wheel mouse, maybe you can use extra buttons like the
forward or browser back buttons that appear on some mice as an alternative
angle selector for those without a tilt-wheel mouse.

Anyhow, I don't code.  But for those who do, can you give this a shot at
implementation in a future release of Gimp.


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