Re: [Gimp-user] Feature oriented vs. User Oriented development

Definitelly the latter group, I'm using Gimp, watching it's development and
from time to time reporting bugs and making tutorials.

I know about Gimp UI redesign initiative and I've read the pages you've
linked, but don't see any progress (maybe in dev version? - 2.9, not using).

I didn't know about that project, thanks.

The thing with the plugin registry ... I have basic knowledge of needed
technologies, but I'am not skilled enough to not mess it. I don't know the
details, so cannot help. It would be useful to expose it somewhere on

Don't get me wrong I respect people that volunteers and put effort in
"doing the world better", but in my opinion, the way, you are pushing it,
is not the best one.

Dne 5. 2. 2017 20:25 napsal uživatel "J Albrecht" <heviiguy gmail com>:

And one more thing!!! …

Mailing lists need a “Like” button.  Alex would surely receive a gazillion
for his previous post in this thread.

Than-you, Alex, for all of the great work that you and the other
volunteers do so that the vast majority of users of the program can benefit
without lifting a finger. The post which led to your response makes my
unofficial membership in that latter group highly embarrassing. I apologise
on behalf of the rest of us.

On 05 Feb 2017, at 14:09, Alexandre Prokoudine <
alexandre prokoudine gmail com> wrote:

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 9:56 PM, Michal Vašut wrote:
I've got an impression, that devs (or Gimp core devs / management - but
only Gimp ones) has priorities to introduce cool new features, which is
wrong, but they forget the basics - improve user working quality / make
easier for user.

I'll be blunt. People who don't study what we do and who come to teach
us how to do things never achieve a thing. People who get involved,
however, do achieve some great things and make GIMP and its ecosystem

Are you from the former or from the latter group?

* Blender foundation make decision to create movie
* They crowdfund it and invite (hire?) artists and developers
* As artists works they have spcific needs and devs solve them

We kinda sorta know about BF and what they do.

* Finally:
..... The movie is proof what the software is capable of
..... The devs and artists gain experience
..... The community is happy - they have improved software - new
improved UX, ...

It would be nice, if Gimp community make similar thing. It doesn't need
be project, but a collection of userstories / scenarios.

There are also tons of  extensions and plugins, but the web ( is half-working

Not working at all. It's a static website with no maintainer

and many of those extensions are
not working. I've seen great concept for Extension manager:

btw. are there somewhere sources of Gimp registry site, or ERD of it's
database? It would be nice to create REST API - then anybody could
client for those extensions, or even it's own rpository.

Are you volunteering? :)

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