Re: [Gimp-user] Reply vs. New message and Interface control

You didn’t highjack a thread, I made a mistake and thought you had, and sent you an apology. My bad.

If you have a question, just post it to the list with a subject line that is specific but succinct. You will 
probably get a reply, but there is no guarantee—someone who knows the answer has to see the question.The 
folks here are pretty supportive. You should get an email with their reply. At least with some mail clients, 
you should “Reply all” when answering a post.

As for your question on controlling the interface:

First, GIMP allows you to assign specific key commands to most of it’s functions. In your first example, 
pressing Command (Control) L shows  the layer panel if it’s not visible. This will only work for single 
commands. In your second example, you would have to press a separate key combination for each operation, 
either making the mask active or creating a new one. As far as I know, you can assign the function keys to 
any command.

I also know that there are python (I think, haven’t programmed since FORTRAN) scripts written to do 
specialized tasks, and these can be incorporated into GIMP.

Hope this helps. If you need more help with this, I suggest reposting the question since I muddled things 
when you first posted it.


On Sep 26, 2016, at 12:23 AM, John Smith <j smith images gmail com> wrote:

Hello Ross,

Now I am confused.

As I understand it I sent a new message on the mailing list with a “Controlling the interface through 
scripts” object.

Then I received a message from you telling me I should post a new message instead of highjacking another 
thread. Then I received another message saying that I did more or less the right thing and it was someone 
else mistake.

So what exactly should I do to have answers to my question? Post a new message to the list with another 
object line? Did my original message get highjacked somewhere among the line?

As I understand it I should write a message to the list: gimp-user-list gnome org <mailto:gimp-user-list 
gnome org> with a “Scripting in GIMP," object. Is that correct?


 <> <> <>

2016-09-25 22:17 GMT+02:00 Ross Martinek <triarius12 gmail com <mailto:triarius12 gmail com>>:
Okay, I see what happened. When John’s original message appeared in my inbox, I must have misread the 
subject, or read the subject line for an adjacent email, probably because I was wearing my trifocals 
instead of the wide-field bifocals I usually wear for computer work.

John, I’m sorry if I added to your confusion and apologize. The misunderstanding is entirely mine and my 


On Sep 25, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Michael Schumacher <schumaml gmx de <mailto:schumaml gmx de>> wrote:

Am 25.09.2016 um 18:06 schrieb Ross Martinek:

That’s weird. No idea how that happened. I just hit “Reply all” as usual.

I was referring to John's message.

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