Re: [Gimp-user] Image file format of the future?

I'd say its very little likely that anyone will spend time trying to
publicize a 10bpp file format. Just for viewing images, regardless of
whether your display supports 10bpp images, the human eye wo t be able
to discern the tones anyway. And for image editing, it is just too
little gain over 8bpp - you will get posterizing on dark/light colors
anyway. The complexity x gains of such a file format seens absolutely
not worth it.

And, besides all that, there are formats like JPEG 2000  that have
support for higher color depths and lossy compression out there for
years now, and this didn't seem to have the format to "catch" in

On 28 October 2016 at 07:03, Helmut Jarausch <jarausch skynet be> wrote:
Hi, this sounds a bit off topic, but I don't think so.
With the advent of wide gamut monitors and televisions which use 10 bits per
colour, the current 8-bit jpeg file format is no more suitable.
And 16s bit per colour TIFF files are large and a bit overkill (for 10 bits
per colour).
Is there some new file format (new version of jpeg?) in progress and will
Gimp support this?

I'm just curious,

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