Re: [Gimp-user] Importing PDF into Gimp 2.8.18

Sorry, I don't remember if David Corbitt dcorbitt77 comcast net said what OS he was using...

I am using 64-bit Lubuntu 16.10, GIMP 2.8.18, and I confirm that GIMP does not like the file

I tried to open it, and it did not work, as he said.

I then removed all the underscores, thinking it might somehow have made a difference, but no.

The attached screenshot shows a terminal-invoked GIMP not loading the file - an additional
error window, and some possibly important text at the bottom...

I invoked GIMP again, with the --verbose flag, but nothing much additional that seems useful was generated.
I include a text file of the output.

-Scott Jacobs

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