Re: [Gimp-user] Question About Gif Animation

Am 03.10.2016 um 01:50 schrieb Silicon_Chipmunk:
Hi, I hope someone can help. 

Sorry if this has already been asked, I couldn't find anything similar 
in the forums but might have missed something.

Is it possible to make a gif where two different things move at two different

There is only one frame rate in animated GIFs. When you need different
speeds for different parts of an animation, you need to double/triple
and so on the "slow" frames, while animating the fast parts in it.

For example if I was animating a dragon, is there a way to make its wings
to move at one speed (looped) while its eyes blink at a faster speed?

Basically, do this:

frame 0: wings up   - eyes open
frame 1: wings up   - eyes closed
frame 2: wings down - eyes open
frame 3: wings down - eyes closed

I keep wanting to make two Layer Groups so I can animate things separately, but
know this won't work since Gimp can't animate layers in Groups. Any advice would
be greatly appreciated. 

Again, I recommend ImageMagick to do that duplication and animation work
for you, see this example:

It first creates a coalesced_k.gif (a full frame/non-optimizied gif),
then makes a shadows_k.gif from the original one -only for demonstration
purposes, could be any "background" animation, e.g. your winged dragon-,
then compose that background animation with the original coalesced_k.gif
to compose_shadow.gif.

(gif_anim_montage is just a script which created the strip at the bottom
of the tutorial step)

You are done!

Okay, if you want to do that wing flapping at a slower speed, you first
had to double each frame within the gif. That's a bit trickier:

Hope that helps.

Kind regards


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