Re: [Gimp-user] Where to put python file 2016


Try starting GIMP from the terminal.  If there is a problem with a plugin and it cannot be loaded,
there will be an error message.

I recently tried to install Resynthesizer, and it did not appear in the menu.
I tried both places that Preferences-->Folders said to put the files, and ... nothing.
I started GIMP from the terminal, and found that there was some sort of problem
that caused Resynthesizer not to be loaded.  If it is not loaded, it does not appear
in the menu.  
It may be that you're putting your plugin in the right place, but there is a problem with it,
and GIMP cannot use it.


On 11/26/2016 4:51 PM, DKCrotty wrote:
I have just loaded the latest version of gimp 2.8.1.  Nov 26 2016

I found a python script that I want to load (layer effects).  Windows 64 bit

I have downloaded the file and put it everywhere that all the posts I find say
to put it.  I check Preferences, folders..etc. Put them there.

Nothing seems to work for the python file.  The Script-Fu version went in with
no problem.

I am obviously not finding what I need.  Most of the posts and videos are old,
so I am hoping that it is just not finding updated information. Or I am missing
a step, like registering something.

Maybe someone can put out an updated YouTube Video on installing a Python

First, it should be easy, and has not been.  Then at some point,  I want to
start writing a python script or two, so its sort of a necessary step.


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