Re: [Gimp-user] Permission

On 01/21/2016 12:56 PM, ‫muntaha bnyan‬ ‫ wrote:

,,,Dear I am Muntaha Bnayan ,Masters research student in Hashemite
university,Amman ,Jordan,my advisor is Dr.  Hani Salameh
(hani hu edu jo) and my co-advisor is Dr.Maen Hammad
(mhammad hu edu jo)

I would kindly request your permission to use your Mailing List
Archive  Project in my thesis

Waiting your kind approval

Thanks for asking.

The list archives are public, so anyone can parse them, but it is good
style to avoid any trouble by making sure that the list admins won't be

Out of curiosity, what is the topic of your study?

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