Re: [Gimp-user] Permission

On 01/21/2016 03:56 AM, ‫muntaha bnyan‬ ‫ wrote:
,,,Dear I am Muntaha Bnayan ,Masters research student in Hashemite university,Amman ,Jordan,my advisor is 
Dr.  Hani Salameh (hani hu edu jo) and my co-advisor is Dr.Maen Hammad (mhammad hu edu jo)

I would kindly request your permission to use your Mailing List Archive  Project in my thesis
Re-read your style guide on public mailing lists. You do not need to
seek permission to use this list for such a purpose and in fact there
would be some question as to who would be empowered to grant such
permission if you were.

David Benfell, Ph.D.
benfell parts-unknown org

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