Re: [Gimp-user] Looking for default locations of program icons and keyboard shortcuts list

On  24.1.2016 at 11:07 PM Aner Ben-artzi wrote:

I'd like to create a custom keyboard (print stickers) for GIMP.  However, I
want to do this in a programmatic way so it can stay up-to-date with
version upgrades and customizations.

So I'd like to be able to get the following items in order to
programmatically combine them into a file that can be printed onto sticker

    - list of current keybindings <-> action
    - list of action <-> in-program icon image (preferably the larger icon)

This would allow me to place up to 4 (neutral/shift/ctrl/ctrl+shift) icons
in a square to be printed and stuck onto the appropriate key.

Well, grepping the sources for GtkActionEntry could be a start.
I've seen keybindings being hardcoded.

See also
(but this is the help and might be outdated a bit).

and (keys and mouse reference).

I considered putting this into an app to allow me to turn a tablet into a
custom keyboard that sends the shortcut keys, but there is no substitute
for separate, hard, plastic keys.

You could also consider using a DAW tablet app, which is basically a
MIDI controller with a (customizable) GUI. The MIDI output controls
GIMP via its MIDI input device. I haven't tried that yet, but perhaps
it's a source of inspiration for you. You'll find some posts to this
topic in the GIMP developer mailing list archives.



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