Re: [Gimp-user] Adjust Pressure Sensitivity?

Yes, or there could be a conflict of some sort, like a conflict with the mouse driver. When I was using 
Windows systems, this sort of thing was fairly common.


On Feb 26, 2016, at 8:38 PM, PlasticTopHat wrote:

You didn't mention what OS you have, but often this is more a function
of the OS and the tablet driver, at least on the OS I've used. If you
are sure you have the most recent driver for your OS, then I don't
know what to tell you.

Do you mean the OS (Windows 7) and the tablet driver may be causing the weird
tool flickering? Because it's apparently not the pen. The other pen is giving me
the same results.

I'll check and see if I can download an updated driver.

PlasticTopHat (via
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