Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 12:30 AM, allthattotell wrote:

"we need to put it because users are so dumb that we need to protect them by
this changes" while in reality all users had been doing it this way for years
without complaining about "unsafe" save/export methods that had to change.

"you are not the target group of gimp, most users of gimp today just export to
dropbox and thats it" well, i dont know whats your focusing group, clearly
companies like adobe ask some of their users what features they want, they
implement some that most will like, they surely dont ask all their users to
change the way they had been doing things for years, but i had a theory "one
dumb developer lost some image permanently by mistake and that moron change gimp
so he will never made that mistake again, and he is so dumb so it will happen
again for sure, so all the rest users of gimp need to live with the new way,
cause he can do whatever he want with gimp, he develop it"

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