Re: [Gimp-user] Help

Hi Liparis,

On Fri, 18 Sep 2015 15:23:16 +0200
Liparis <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

I've just downloaded the latest Gimp for the first time. However, I'm very
frustrated. All I get when I open Gimp is a big empty box, no tools of any
sort. It looks nothing like the screen shots in the manual! Along the top of
the box are the menus but that's all. When I open a photograph in it, it
appears as a small thumbnail that I'm unable to do anything with. Also, by
default, when looking for images, it is set to recognise "All Files" but it
doesn't do so, I have to select a different file then choose all files again
to see the images. Hope you can help, I'm becoming extremely frustrated!
Many thanks.

1. I hope you downloaded GIMP from .

2. What is your system: operating system, version, CPU, CPU architecture,
versions, etc.

3. Can you provide a screenshot of your screen when GIMP is running? You can use to share it online (or any other site that does not require
JavaScript to be enabled for its images to be viewed).

4. Did you try running GIMP in a new operating system user account?


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
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