Re: [Gimp-user] Processing RAW pics?

I devide my workflow between Rawtherapee and Gimp. Correcting exposure,
color temperature, whitebalance etc I do in Rawtherapee.
The rest, for instance levels, curves, crop, usm, text and everything where
you need layers for, I do in Gimp.


2015-01-05 14:38 GMT+01:00 Dutchbert <forums gimpusers com>:

An alternative to Ufraw is Rawthrapee.
You have to save the result of Rawtherapee as a tiff file.
Works fine!


2015-01-01 17:46 GMT+01:00 Kevin Cozens <kevin ve3syb ca>:

Thx, Ruud. If you use Rawthrapee for post, why would you need GIMP as well?

Dutchbert (via
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