Re: [Gimp-user] Tired of losing images due to "exporting" instead of saving as png/jpg.

On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 01:00:45 +0100
"Bodo Eggert" <7eggert web de> wrote:

Dear list,

first I need to grumble about the only-xcf-is-saving-misfeature. I rarely  
have images where I need layers or other data, and even if I do, I'll be  
warned. But I have to "export" it instead, and that leaves me with no way  
to tell weather I'll lose my work by closing an image window - and thus, I  
just had to redo a scan.

Actually, at least with the latest unstable (2.9) this has been partly addressed: if you close an image that 
has been exported (and not changed since), the warning tells you it has been exported.

There's still no other way to find out, as far as I can tell, whether the image in its current state has been 
exported, and I do sometimes lose work over this too.

I have absolutely no need to keep additional .xcf-files around or a  
possibility to use them.

Same here for the most part.  I scan an image directly into gimp and export to png.

But I have just trained myself to use export instead of save, and it's fine. The down side is I sometimes 
forget to save images in xcf format if they have layers.

I'm planning to fix it - by going back to 2.6 if I must. I'd prefer to  
have a patch for 2.8 or a patched version that can safe .jpg files,  
therefore I'd like to know weather somebody has done this.

Sorry for being in a bad mood.
No shoes for you for 24 hours :)

Yes, there's a plugin that changes gimp so that you can save as jpeg, I think.

Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:

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