Re: [Gimp-user] Are Plug-In Covered under the license as we ll?

Then it seems my assumption was wrong.

I guessed this because GIMP is part of the GNU-project (hence the actual name: Gnu Image Manipulation Program) which requires all licenses to be FSF-approved. But perhaps the registry is not an official part of GIMP. Probably not, since NC-licenses are allowed.

On 2015-02-09 22:38, Michael Schumacher wrote:
On 02/09/2015 09:34 PM, SK wrote:

I can not say for sure, but I think all official GIMP Plugins (which are
those available at

Who defined those as official? Anyone can upload stuff there - or could,
as the spammer problem has never been resolved, so it is now limited to
the already existing users.

Drupal - at least the version used there - doesn't make the fight
against spam an easy task, unfortunately. The fact that we don't control
the server ourselves limits our actions.

are required to be under FSF-approved free software licenses, which
means they can all be used commercially.

I don't think that a review of that has been done. A quick check found
one plug-in under a NC license:

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