Re: [Gimp-user] Luminosity confusion

It is a GIMP script file and does not need any permission etc. Are you
sure that when you download the file extension is intact? What system
are you running this on?

I've added Pat to the cc list so that he can work on this as well. :)

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 12:27 AM, Jack Denman <cashmere roadrunner com> wrote:
I am still learning about digital photography. I developed my first roll
of film in 1946, by hand in my grandmothers bathroom.

Since I am learning masking techniques, I wonder if someone could
explain the contradiction of these two scripts.

This web page has a download link of a script from "Download from:
Google Drive" at produces a file called

This file cannot be used because when copied into .gimp-2.8/scripts/
the script entry is not visible on the pull-down menus of gimp.

On the other hand the older script called "Luminosity_masks.scm" does
work from some older web pages and does cause the scripts pull-down menu
to appear. When the channels menu is invoked from this script the other
masks disappear.

Can someone explain this? Any help would be appreciated.


Jack C Denman
H: (714) 680-4253
C: (714) 515-9365
<cashmere roadrunner com>

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